Beyond the line, horizon of a dream.

... '... and we know that’s not unique. Creativity is almost always – or should almost always be – just a small part of something else. Usually something bigger and more interesting. We don’t think creativity is much in and of itself; it’s only interesting, and important, when it’s in service to something else.' ...

Banqueting & Locations


Its real innovation lies today in the experience that each of us can encounter through customization, the bespoke. At a time of global standardization, we take great pride in the unique character of our events. We design events that combine emotions, sensations, sounds, colours in unique harmony, creating a new look for moments made of different parts. An event is a blend between what nature has created and what human ingenuity has achieved. Nature provides the raw materials, comprising colours, aromas, appearances and degrees of transparency, while human creativity gives form and translates them into wonderful moments.

Chris & Aaron Banqueting and Locations


Because for us beauty is not only about aesthetics but is also about a deeper awareness of ourselves. A harmony of colours, smells and flavours which tells of a refined, comfortable luxury, to spend exciting moments. Wonderful landscapes, breathtaking sunsets and star-filled nights are the fairy tale to which an Adrien & Stefan event belongs, the ideal choice for anyone looking for luxury as well as wishing to merge with nature.

Banqueting & Location services


Flowers & bouquet

Wedding Planning

Wedding planning


Timeless cars

Coffee break

Coffee break


Music created for you

Wedding planning




A recognisable soul. Timeless, effortlessly elegant. Let‘s find what your perfect experience looks like, great experiences create unforgettable stories for a lifetime.

Chris & Aaron Luxury Banqueting

Chris & Aaron Banqueting & Locations
Chris & Aaron Banqueting & Locations
Chris & Aaron Banqueting & Locations
Chris & Aaron Banqueting & Locations

We interpret images as evidence of a personal journey and documents of an aesthetic, emotional reaction more than of a will to document or jot down in any formal sense. In our opinion an event must convey emotion and sensuality. It is synonymous with passion and warmth, it cannot be a cold moment, it has to be a kind of work of art. It is always a process involving intuition, imagination, a knack for abstraction from the present, and the ability to connect elements that at first glance you perhaps might not think of combining.

Adrien & Stefan Banqueting
Adrien & Stefan Banqueting
Adrien & Stefan Banqueting
Adrien & Stefan Banqueting

The most precious gift that you can offer your guests is time - time for looking forward to greeting them, for engaging in a relaxed conversation and for devoting your undivided attention to them. Chris & Aaron  gives you precisely this time and is available to you for your private or business reception, cocktail party or quite simply for the guests you welcome to your home.

Adrien & Stefan Banqueting

Adrien & Stefan Banqueting

We will listen to your wishes and give you our tips to building together your unique and tailor made experience. Take a journey into Chris & Aaron's creativity.